There's this question I love to ask people: If you could describe life, then what would be your idea of a perfect Life? You may say a dream filled with a tree that grows money, the ability to eat cake and not get fat, relaxing afternoons lying on a hammock, an existence where nothing goes wrong and seem to float effortlessly through it all.. Wait!! Do you think that there's such thing as a 'Perfect Life?!' Everyone out there is living a hard life. Life is never perfect man, it never was and it can never be!! It's the imperfection that makes our life perfect. And let's be honest, perfection is boring anyway. People throughout their life comes up with endless life questions...many of which are left unanswered. Here are few stuff I think everyone should know when it comes to life, life goals and most important of all..Life dilemmas.
1. Life Is A Bitch
Yes, don't expect life to be fair. When you think you have got everything which you ever longed for, that's the time when life will show you it's true colour. That may come in any it the loss of your loved ones, heartbreak, health problems, job loss, it could be any damn thing. Sure they must have been very painful, but friends, life is tough- deal with it! Life will knock you on your's upto you how you react. Some days are easy while some are demanding, but at the end of the day, all of them have a lesson to teach us- even the most mundane ones. Don't let any situation in your life tear you apart. And always be a fighter in your life. Don't go low when things don't go smoothly!
2. Don't Give Up Just Because Things Are Hard
Many of life failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up. If you really wanna give up on something, be it your habbit of quitting then. Who said 'CAN'T'?? Success is always doing something someone else said was impossible! TRY, TRY, KEEP TRYING MAN...let the fire inside you burn brighter than the fire around you. Progress is better than perfection..and the only time you fail is when you quit!! Recently I was reading Randy Pausch's 'The Last Lecture' where he mentioned a very inspiring line. It said.."The brick walls are there for a reason. They're not there to keep us out. They give us a chance to show how badly we want something."

Well, I can say that Nick Vujicic is the Living example when it comes to living a life to the fullest and to never give up no matter what!! Almost all of us knows this great personality Australian-Christian evangelist born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterised by absence of all four limbs. Despite of his disability he still performs all those things which we all do in our day to day life. He could have sat in one corner of his room moaning and whining over his disorder. But destiny had other plans. He didn't let his disorder to abstain him from doing what he wants. At the age of only seventeeen, he started his own non-profit organisation and he now presents motivational speeches worldwide which focus on hope, finding a meaning in life and most importantly to never give up. This is how heroes are born, this is the spirit, this is what we call as Indomitable! Are you still thinking to give up?!
3. Don't Be A Coward All Your Life.

Okay, tell me one thing- how many of you would really stand up for people who are being discriminated, harassed and beaten up. Very few, right!? I've seen many videos on youtube where bystanders do nothing because they don't want to get "involved" but the truth is, they're too scared to take offense. Do you do that? Don't. Please. Try to be brave. Stand up against unethical things. If you see bulling in your school, don't turn your back. And after it's announced that the person who you turned your back on committed suicide, don't you dare to feel bad.
Only reading about this will get us nowhere. Somebody has to say "ENOUGH". Stop turning your heads in a crowd to see who will say YES! first. It's only because of this that most of the crime takes place. Stand Up. Be Brave. Raise your voice. You think you alone are not enough to change anything?? Well, let me remind you- it was Mahatma Gandhi alone who stood up against Britishers to give us freedom, it was Adolf Hitler, a German leader who led the world into the most devastating war in history, It was Martin Luther king- a Baptist minister who campaigned against the segregation of blacks in the southern states of the United States. Don't underestimate the power of words and actions. It takes just a slip of rocks to cause a landslide. Push the damn rock, man!!!
4. Nobody Grows Inside Their Comfort Zone
5. Winning Doesn't Comes Cheaply, You Have To Pay A Big Price.
No matter what goals or ambitions you might have, there is one thing certain: There is a price you must pay to get what you want in life. And price just not in the form of may costs you your sleep, your time, your tears, your peace of mind and it may even costs you your years of hardship. But who cares!! Because if you want to reach that goal so bad you will have to make sacrifices. So before you go into battle you better decide how much you're willing to lose. By the end of this topic I would like to add these two of my favorite quotes...
"Take what you want, god said to man, and pay for it." -Jim Rohn
"Nature cannot be tricked or cheated. She will give up to you the objects of your struggles only after you have paid her price." -Napolean Hill.
6. Live Your Life With Passion.
How many of you are doing exactly or at least most of what you've always envisoned? Well, everyone out there is stuck between their 9-5 job. Yes, one has to earn for a living. But then, that's not how it should be man. Don't live the same years for 75 times and call it a life. Damn, get out of your monotonous life. Take out some time from your routine and do things which you always wanted to do. Most people go for a life never discovering what their talents are, most people never develop their talents. The only thing that's gonna make you happy my friend -is to step up, is to discover what you're capable of and to feel that incredible power pushing through whatever is holding you back and get to the other side of more of your true self. That's what this game is all about!
You know there's a writer, a painter, a singer, an expert, a dancer inside everyone of us. Pick up that damn pen and write whatever thoughts come up in your head, pick up that damn brush and paint whatever you have ever imagined, sing and dance with all your soul and heart and I promise you friends, you will be Amazed to see the results of your work. You know the human spirit is powerful, it's hard to kill a human spirit. You're unstoppable. Live your live with passion. Do things that scare you. Feel the adrenaline run through your body, you'll know how it feels like to be really alive!!
And above all, Express Gratitude towards whatever you have. My friend, Ups and downs in life are necessary to keep us going, because a straight line even in an E.C.G. means we are not alive. Though good or bad, perfect or flawed always be thankful, it's the only attitude which will keep you moving and positive!! Become a badass and become the best version of yourself. Till then..keep smiling, keep exploring! :)
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