Our mind is a very powerful thing. I have always heard the statement 'You are what you think you are' from some great folks including my Dad. So one day I decided to give it a try and did an experiment on myself. I was suffering from acne problem. It was not the kind of acne which would pop up occasionally. But the one which kept on coming and increasing making it worse. Despite visiting number of skin specialist none of their treatment worked for me. That's the time when I decided I would begin telling myself that 'I am having a clear, flawless skin.' I would repeat this statement to myself. And you know what? It worked. I am now having a clear, flawless skin.
The Law Of Attraction
Watch Your Thoughts.
How To Use The Power Of Your Mind.
I came across this amazing stuff somewhere on the Internet, which I would like to share.
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Image Source: Pixabay |
Simply put, the law of attraction is the ability to attract into our lives whatever we are focusing on. Whether we believe it or not, we are responsible for bringing both positive and negative energy into our lives. If you spend your days moaning over the past mistakes and regrets, you'll likely see more negativity appearing; but if you're optimist who try to look for the silver lining in every situation, you'll surely find more positivity around you.
Happiness or unhappiness is not a natural phenomenon. Happiness or unhappiness is a learned trait, which is the result of the wrong conditioning of mind.
- An animal does not know how to be unhappy. Hence, animals are never unhappy.
- A child does not know how to be unhappy. Hence, children are never unhappy.
A grown up man, however, learns a million reasons to be unhappy. Hence, he is unhappy most of the time as one or more reasons are always present in his life all the time.The only way to become happy in life to get rid of the false notions that are making us unhappy.
Just like a man becomes naturally healthy, if freed from all illness; a man becomes naturally happy, once he discards all the notions of unhappiness learned by him since his childhood.
This is the key to the law of attraction... Whatever we will think, we will attract that into our lives. Think positive and positive things will happen.
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Image Source: Pixabay |
There are people who are always more happy, positive and fulfilled with their lives. And there are people who are unhappy, depressed and pessimist. What do you think makes them different from one another? Sure, circumstances plays an important role in influencing a person's mind. But the main difference between these two types of people is in their thoughts! People choose, with their own free wills to either dwell on the positive side or on the negative side. The people who are always happy and upbeat have chosen to look on the brighter side of things, even in the worst scenarios imaginable. The negative kind of people have chosen to dwell on the bad stuff that can go wrong. So in order to be happy fill your mind with happy thoughts.
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Image Source: Pixabay |
- To begin with, imagine your life the way you want it.
- Create a picture in your mind and visualize it all day long, especially before going to bed.
- Have a strong belief that whatever you're thinking in your mind, you'll make it happen. Your belief should be powerful enough to turn your imagination into reality.
- This is how it all works. Ask for it, believe it will happen, give thanks for all you have with passion and it will happen.
But hey, don't expect the results coming overnight or within just a week of practice. It will take time. It took me some 8 months to a year for my skin to be acne free.
The Unbelievable Power Of Belief.
I came across this amazing stuff somewhere on the Internet, which I would like to share.
During a brutal study at Harvard in the 1950s, Dr. Curt Richter placed rats in a pool of water to test how long they could tread water. On average they'd give up and sink after 15 minutes.
But right before they gave up due to exhaustion; the researchers would pluck them out, dry them off, let them rest for a few minutes, and put them back in for a second round.
In this second try, how long do you think they lasted?
Remember - They had just swam until failure only a few short minutes ago...
How long do you think?
Another 15 minutes?
10 minutes?
5 minutes?
60 hours!
That's not an error.
That's right! 60 hours of swimming.
The conclusion drawn was that since the rats BELIEVED that they would eventually be rescued, they could push their bodies way past what they previously thought impossible.
I will leave you with this thought : If hope can cause exhausted rats to swim for that long, what could a belief in yourself and your abilities, do for you?
Believe in what you want so much that it has no choice but to materialize!
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